
Dec 06, 2019

The psychological reasons why you aren't selling enough

Do you feel uncomfortable selling? Do you squirm when you think about promoting yourself or being visible on your marketing channels? 

Despite being an experienced digital marketer, I feel like I'm learning more about digital...

Sep 03, 2019

Starting A New Business? Don't Overlook These 5 Essential Elements

Are you feeling a bit lost on where you should start when it comes to setting up your business and running it productively?

I want to share with you the advice that I wish I'd received when I first set myself up as a sole trader ten...

Aug 19, 2019

8 points you need to consider before training to be a social media manager

Should I train to be a social media manager?

The short answer is if you want to be a social media manager then yes I would look at social media management training, but do lots of research first. Take the time to understand what being a...